Keeps You Moving | Review - Tune Belt

I'm getting really excited about the 2014 racing season - so far I've got sponsors signed on for 11 races, and I anticipate more to come soon. You'll be hearing about those races and the sponsors soon...but before I get into that, I think it's important to talk about one of the things that helped me get through 2013 and will most certainly help me keep on chugging through 2014. I have it with me every single time I run (unless it's an obstacle race / mud run), and I'm fairly certain I couldn't run without it. What am I talking about?
Tune Belt! Tune Belt was one of my sponsors this past year, and they make a sport armband. Yes, I understand there are about 45,000 different sport armbands out there, but they are not the Tune Belt. This thing is great, and is going to help me get through (hopefully) 5+ half marathons this coming year (not to mention a ton of 5K's, 10K's, and non-standard distances)!

SO...why is Tune Belt so special?
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