Why Do It? (Plus Fun Run Recap)

Yesterday, I woke up at 8 am on a cold early-January morning to get myself in gear, have some coffee, and get ready to chug my way along through 4.9 miles in the snowy, slushy, wet cold of Monument Beach, MA. Many people would think I'm a nut and tell me to go back to bed. Many people would wonder what in the hell would possess me to go running in the snow. Others would call me a sicko for saying that it was "ONLY" 5 miles. Bottom line...many people look at me and ask...

Why do it?

It's a question I've been learning the answer to as I've gone along. The answer has changed over time. For this Transformation Tuesday...the first of 2014...I want to give you an idea of just how yesterday's race went...why I do this...why I started doing this...and why I'll keep doing it. Hopefully my transformation will inspire you to begin yours :).

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