Crossfit Games "Open"

The Crossfit Games are held each year to determine the "Fittest" man and woman on Earth. This title was initially questioned as it only allowed Crossfit members to compete. How could CF be sure that someone outside of the Crossfit Community was not the "Fittest on Earth"?

Therefore, the Crossfit Games "Open" was created to allow other elite athletes (non Crossfit members) the opportunity to prove themselves at the final Games.

Due to the success of getting Crossfit members to register for this Open, more so than people outside the community, it has now become an annual Cash Grab!  Every Crossfit member is encouraged, sometimes pressured, into registering for the Open in the "spirit of participation".

The problem is, to participate in the Open, the Open workouts are NOT to be scaled.  Given that many Crossfit members are not ready to do the posted movements without scaling to some extent (without risk of injury), what is the benefit to that member in giving Crossfit Reebok $20 when their scores won't even count? 

And for those who can barely register a score, is the risk of injury worth seeing that you placed in the 1,356th position for your division in Canada East?  Seriously?

I'm starting to wonder if Crossfit HQ has offered some incentive to gym owners for how many members they rope into this cash grab!

Don't get me wrong .... I LOVE to watch the Crossfit Games! Just like the Olympics, it is incredible to watch elite athletes compete at the highest level.

Where I take issue is with the pressure that is placed on the average person to compete in the same way, when they should not be! Most people need to be working on technique, mobility, strength, nutrition, health, etc. .... NOT trying to emulate the Crossfit "Elite". 

This is what gives Crossfit a bad name, and that's a shame. Crossfit started out as a great concept. Unfortunately, like many things, it has become corrupted by Ego and Profit.
