Jefferson Curl

The Jefferson Curl is a movement that strengthens the spine in a rounded position.  It is done with light weight only as a supplemental exercise.  It is NOT done with maximum effort!  In this video I am using a 45 lb Olympic bar.

Key Points:
  • Start by standing tall with the shoulders back
  • Initiate the movement by rounding forward at the shoulders
  • Continue rounding the back from the top down, allowing the bar to "float" out in front
  • Reach as low as possible with legs straight and knees slightly bent (not hyper-extended).  
  • If you can extend past your toes, use a box or stack of plates to allow for a deeper stretch at the bottom
  • Rise from the bottom with a rounded back and "unroll" from the bottom up ... starting with extending the hips forward to straighten the low back, then working up until finishing with the shoulders back.
