When Life Gets You Down - Surfacing From The Crazy

Sometimes Life feels the need to test you.

The last few months have been one of those times. It's felt a lot like this:
Yes, that is a pool of Ice Water.

The last few months have been a little insane, and it all started with my triple-booked race weekend (here, here, and here). Despite the fact that a number of things are off my plate, I've managed to get buried by what IS still there - new job, my upcoming wedding, the looming menace that is "September", and more. This can, and DOES, happen to the best of us. So what do you do when life keeps on knocking you down? What do you do when it's tough to keep up with your health and fitness? How do you beat the I don't have time thing?

...let me tell you a little story...

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