What is Training?

Training is not the same as "working out"!

Training takes goals into consideration and has measurable progressions.  Weaknesses are addressed, skills and foundations are mastered, maintaining mobility (prehab) and recovery are priorities.

"Working out" doesn't address all these training components.  Many go into a gym with no training plan in mind, work only on their strengths, neglect proper form, push through pain and generally run their body into the ground to the point of failure and injury.

What are your reasons for going to the gym?  What do you want to accomplish?  Is it just to sweat and burn calories?  Is it just to pump up your muscles to look good?  If so, then you may actually be setting yourself up for failure and injury!  If weaknesses, imbalances and proper movement are neglected for the sake of short term satisfaction, it is only a matter of time before you "hit the wall".

Set long term goals and learn to train towards them using appropriate progressions.  Focus on addressing the weaknesses that prevent you from reaching those goals and train your body to move properly and without pain.  Listen to your body and rest / recover from hard training when needed.

Training should be a lifetime endeavor that improves your body's ability to function for the rest of your life.  After all, how many calories are you going to be able to burn and how good are you going to look when you can no longer move without pain!
