Plate Rotation

The Plate Rotation builds mobility in the shoulder, elbow and wrist.  It can be done daily with light weight using a metal weight plate (2.5 - 5 lb).  Start with sets of 5 reps per arm and build up to sets of 10 reps.

The key points are:
  • Do not grasp the plate, but lay it flat in the palm
  • Keep the palm flat and facing up throughout the movement
  • Keep the body as vertical as possible throughout the movement (limit bending)
  • Bring the plate under the armpit (not the hip) and then extend to the side, staying as parallel to the floor as possible
  • Keep the arm as straight as possible when rotating overhead and make as large a circle as possible
  • This movement should be done with control and the intention of developing the end range of motion

There may be some tightness, clicking and/or discomfort, but there should be NO PAIN in the shoulders while performing this movement.  Sharp pain indicates that there may be a structural issue that may need to be addressed by a Physiotherapist.
