Fool Me Once...

There's no turning back now.

A lot of words, feelings, and thoughts are going to be expressed fall out of my face right now that may not make sense. For the sake of the uninformed...

In four days I will, for the second time, be taking on the Spartan Beast at Mt. Killington, VT.
Those who have done this event before, like me, get it. Those who have not...probably have an incredible sense of dread and anticipation. For those who are interested, you can read my rambling, complainey recap of last year's race. Buckle up, it's a long one.

Through all the raging emotions...somehow... I've managed to find a little zen. There are some undeniable truths about this race that, if embraced, will help us all find a little solace, a little calm, and a little sleep in these final few days leading up to the mountain.

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