To The "Resolutioners" Eyeing The Gym

It's that time of year again.

New Year's Eve. That means January 1st is tomorrow. Those of us in the fitness world know all too well what's about to happen...

The gym is about to get crushed.

Yes, the annual Gympocalypse is upon us once more. "They" are coming. "They" - those who claim "Yes, THIS will be my year! This time, this time by golly I'll actually do it!".

I can hear my fellow gym-goers already.

"Ah shit..." - "Don't worry, they'll be gone in a few weeks." - etc. Gym rats the world over already hate these people about to invade their holy spaces, and they're not shy about sending the message of "you're not welcome. Be Gone, you of weak mind and body."

I know these "resolutioners" all too well.

Yes, I know your type. I've got your number. I know what you're all about, how you tick, and what, exactly, the formula here is. I know how this is going to

I have my own message for you...
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