Aging and Mobility

I have been focusing my training on Mobility and better movement for the last 5 years.  Here I am (at age 55) performing something called an "Inchworm".

Some may view this and comment ... "That's nice, but why would I need to do such a thing?  How will something like that improve my life?  Wouldn't I be better off to improve my fitness by increasing my Bench Press or my running distance?"

My reply might be something like ... "How does your body feel?  How are your shoulders, your hips, your back, your knees, etc.?  Can you touch your toes, or raise both arms directly overhead in line with your ears?  Can you squat to full depth without pain in your knees or back?"

To me, age is not just the number of birthdays you have celebrated.  Age is related to how your body feels and moves ... your "Biological" age.  You may be 30 years old, but have a body that feels like 60!

Mobility and movement training is essential to reversing and retarding the aging process!  The process of developing your ability to perform a simple exercise like the Inchworm will keep your body feeling young!

It is important at every age, but especially as we approach our Senior years!  Getting "old" is losing the ability to perform simple tasks due to pain and immobility.  Improve and maintain your mobility, and you will be physically independent when you are 80.  Do not, and you will be one of those Seniors sitting in a rocking chair by the window watching the world go by.

For those who wait too long though, it is never to late to start.  Regardless of how immobile a person has become, even the most basic movement and mobility training will improve how the body feels and reverse (some of) the damage.

It's a choice that YOU make!   There really is no excuse.  You CAN do it, if you really want it.  You just have to take charge and responsibility for your own health and wellness.  No one else can do that for you.
