Podcast Ep. 12: Movement Resilience with Matt Ibrahim

Welcome back for Episode 12 of the Fitness Pollenator Podcast. On this episode, I have on my first repeat guest, Matt Ibrahim. I had Matt about a year ago for Episode 4. If you haven’t listened to that one yet, do it!

Matt is the founder of Movement Resilience (formerly Mobility 101), which has a specific mission of helping people build resilient movement and resilient strength to continue doing what they love most: move.

He's a part of the sports medicine team at Boston Physical Therapy & Wellness, where he serves as a strength & conditioning coach and physio rehab coach. This July, he will receive his license in massage therapy. 

He's also a provider for ClinicalAthlete through founder, Quinn Henoch, which is a team of healthcare professionals bridging the gap from rehab to performance for athletes.

Over the course of the episode, we talk shop on the following points:
  • Matt's rebrand from Mobility 101 to Movement Resilience
  • Finishing up massage school, along with how he plans to use his new skills
  • The importance of speaking to the client and not other fitness professionals
  • The screening process and what happens if there's pain
  • "Corrective exercise"
  • Breathing (see this video)
  • And more!
We also addressed several questions from the audience, including
  • The best way to gain flexibility after being stuck in bed for a year and being a new amputee
  • Big spoon, little spoon, and movement variability
  • Beer and curls (this discussion point was a little flat, as neither of us are heavy drinkers)
Listen to the entire episode on iTunes or click here:

For more from Matt and Movement Resilience, head over to his website, movementresilience.com, and like him on social media:
