Flavor Round-Up - Puroast Coffee

I am genuinely impressed.

When I first tried Puroast Coffee I think there were only three flavors. Now they have quite the variety...and I have to say - it was pretty exciting, as coffee goes, to try the new flavors as they came out. Every coffee roaster out there has their own array of flavors, some boasting a veritable arsenal of them. Many are passable, most need sugar to unlock the actual "flavor" of it...and some are downright awful, leaving a nasty aftertaste from the syrups used to create flavor.

Puroast's flavors, however, are different.

As I've made clear before: if you're not drinking Puroast, you're doing yourself a disservice. As trivial as it may sound to the casual coffee drinker... not all coffee is created equally, ESPECIALLY flavored coffee. How-so, you ask? Oh let me count the ways...
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