"Knees to Feet"

I never train this movement, and the last time I performed one was so long ago I can't even remember when!

Today I performed a few on the floor and then decided to try it with a box. It was a pleasant surprise to succeed on the first attempt!

I was told that I made it look easy. I have to admit that it WAS relatively easy, and made me ponder the reason for that.

My "theory" is that focus on movement based training and mobility work (removing restrictions in the tissues surrounding the joints) results in improved athleticism. When faced with a new movement, the improved athleticism allows an easier performance of that movement.
This will work for anyone ... young or old, athletic or not.

Do you want to be able to perform most things with relative ease? Do you want to take your performance to the next level?  
Then don't underestimate the importance of mobility, flexibility and movement based training!
