World Diabetes Day

Diabetes affects 250 million people worldwide.  It has become such a major health issue that it is an official United Nations Day!  The above caption reads "Celebrated every year ...", but really ... what's to celebrate?  The fact that so many people are being afflicted with a disease that is totally preventable?

About 41,000 Canadians die each year as a result of Diabetes, generally from a stroke or heart disease.  By next year, about 3,000,000 Canadians will have Diabetes, draining $15.6 billion from the health care system annually.  What is even more alarming is the number of children developing Diabetes.

There are two types of Diabetes.  Type I, which is genetic, is the type that people are born with.  Unfortunately there is nothing to be done to prevent this type.  Type II, however, is not genetic and is the type that most people develop as a result of insulin resistance.  Type II Diabetes makes up 95% of all cases of Diabetes!

That means that, of the 3,000,000 Canadians who have Diabetes, 2,850,000 people could have avoided this disease and the resulting complications.  How, you ask?  Diet!  Insulin resistance is a result of poor nutritional choices, particularly over consumption of highly glycemic carbohydrates such as grains, starches and sugars (processed foods).

If you would rather not develop Diabetes, or you would rather not see a member of your family develop this disease, then it is imperative that you understand how the avoidance of poor nutritional choices is the key.  Being overweight is a warning to you that your insulin levels have been elevated for an extended period of time.  This applies to children as well as adults.  Do nothing about that condition and you risk developing heart disease, Diabetes, and even many forms of cancer.

Although exercise is good, and is what many people believe will help lose weight, it will not affect your insulin levels.  Continue to make the same poor food choices and all the exercise in the world isn't going to help.

Food is a drug!  It affects us at a hormonal level, and our hormones are the triggers for either good health or disease.  The choice is yours.  Your health is in your own hands!

Recommended reading.
