Refined Carbohydrates, not Fats, Threaten the Heart

Well, it's about time that the mainstream media sheds the truth on an old lie ... that saturated fats make you fat and cause heart disease.

Although there have been many people over the last 30 years who have tried to tell us the truth (Barry Sears, Gary Taubes, Loren Cordain) the government dietary guidelines have continued pushing the "eat less fat and more grains" message.  That is the same message that most nutritionists advocate to all those seeking to lose weight and eat healthy.

That may change soon (finally).   This article in Scientific American confirms that the government may finally admit that they pushed the wrong message and that overconsumption of processed carbohydrates is what is killing us!

However, don't be surprised if the government stalls this advice in the new dietary guidelines.  There are many big companies who stand to lose a fortune if we stop consuming their products and they are lobbying hard to supress the studies that prove their products are poison to us.  Anyone remember how hard the tobacco industry fought against the studies that showed smoking caused cancer? 

Do your own research.   Read the authors noted above and decide for yourself.  Here's an article posted by Gary Taubes in 2002.

It may take a while, but future laws may dictate that you will not be permitted to eat a donut within 9 meters of a building entrance.  ;)
