Positive Results

I have posted many articles about the benefits of functional training and a healthy diet, with links to many sites and other articles "claiming" these benefits.  I have commented on numerous occasions on how much healthier I am and feel since making these lifestyle changes, but the truth is hard to hide when you get regular medical check ups.

Today I met with my doctor to get the results of the blood work and other tests that are part of a regular physical exam, as well as have him do the usual "inspection" of vital signs and such.  Since making this lifestyle change approximately 5 years ago, I have seen improvements in my test results each year ... and this year is no exception.  This year, I probably have the best results I have ever had in my adult life ... at the age of 50!

Blood work .... excellent, everything as it should be.  PSA test .... excellent.  Blood pressure ... excellent, with systolic pressure below 120.  However, the biggest improvement I have seen in the last five years is my cholesterol profile.  Total cholesterol: 3.9.  LDL (bad cholesterol): 2.5 .... half of the level recommended for 50 year old males.  HDL (good cholesterol): 1.1 ... a little low, but excellent in relation to the LDL.  My doctor was practically doing back flips telling me how excellent this cholesterol profile is and that I have absolutely NO chance of developing cardio vascular disease with this profile.

I had to laugh and tell him, despite all the mainstream advice about not eating saturated fats, that I eat bacon and eggs at least 5 times a week and lots of red meat.  He reasoned that I must have great genetics and deal with cholesterol well ... but I know that is not true.

I know the real truth.  Eating saturated fat does not increase your cholesterol levels.  Controlling your insulin levels ... by not eating simple carbs and by eating plenty of good fat (fish oil, nuts, seeds, olives, avocados, coconut oil) ... will prevent your body from over producing cholesterol, especially LDL.  THAT is why my total cholesterol levels are so low.

Crossfit training and following a Paleo lifestyle (as much as possible) has not only reversed the effects of age on my external physical appearance and health, but also my internal health and wellness.  I don't need to read any more articles about the benefits of this lifestyle to be convinced.  I am living proof of it and feel it every day!

The doctor did have something "negative" to say about me though.  He said, "I don't make a lot of money off guys like you!"  
