Who's "Diet" and Exercise Plan Should You Follow?

The one on the right is Mark Sisson, who has a great site called Mark's Daily Apple and is the author of the Primal Blueprint.  Mark encourages us to train "like a Caveman" ... sprinting and lifting heavy things.

The one on the left is Dean Ornish, M.D.  He advocates a grain and vegetarian diet, with complete avoidance of meat, fish, poultry and all fats (including avocados, olives, nuts and seeds).  Dean encourages us to use "long, slow exercise that uses body fat for fuel".

Who do you think looks (and IS) healthier?  Who do you suppose is more physically capable and will continue to be in their 60's, 70's, 80's?

My money is on Mark Sisson!   I have been following Mark's advice for 6 years and I can attest to the effectiveness of the "primal lifestyle".

And as for the claim that the consumption of meat and (healthy) fat will increase the possibility of cardiovascular disease ...  I say "B.S."!   My cholesterol levels and cardiovascular health have never been better.
