
From Wheat Belly blog:

Consumption of modern high-yield semi-dwarf wheat leads to:

–Weight gain–especially visceral fat in the abdomen, i.e., inflammatory fat
–Diabetes, pre-diabetes–via the appetite-stimulating effects of modern gliadin, the blood sugar-raising potential of amylopectin A, and the inflammatory effects of lectins
–Joint pain, arthritis–mostly due to lectins, perhaps gluten
–Acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, worsening symptoms of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
–Peripheral neuropathy, cerebellar ataxia, dementia–probably due to gluten
–”High cholesterol“–via increased triglycerides
–Migraine headaches–your guess is as good as mine why this occurs!
–Water retention, edema–likely via the increased bowel and vascular permeability of lectins

And those are just the common phenomena. In fact, look at the list above and you will be hard pressed to find someone who is not afflicted with at least one, if not all, of the listed conditions. It means that much of what we do in healthcare treating diabetes, joint pain, acid reflux, etc. is really just treating wheat consumption. We are treating the misguided advice to eat more “healthy whole grains.”
