A Lesson In Double-Booking Pt. 2 - 26.2 Challenge Recap

I love the feeling when you finish a race. You see the finish line and get that burst of energy...and everything you have gets left on the pavement as you sprint on ahead to claim your victory (whether personal or overall). You cross the timing mat, you break the tape, you get there. The feeling of release, relief, and accomplishment on the other side of the finish line is fantastic...the joy and sense of satisfaction with the fruits of your effort simply palpable. Then you get to relax, have some water, have a banana, and chat with other runners...

Unless you're a genius like I was the weekend before last.

Then you get to say a quick "thank you, goodbye" to the race director, wave to your friend that ran the race too, and shoot off across town to run the relay that your 5 friends have all been at for an hour and a half...

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