GMOMG! - Educate Yourself.

In our modern, advanced, intelligent society, I'm shocked to see that we're still so susceptible to fear-mongering and mass ignorance. I'm sure we all know...
"Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
We have been wrong before. We believed the Earth was flat. We believed cigarettes were healthy. We believed diet soda was actually a healthy alternative to regular soda. Today, we seem to believe "GMO's" are creating un-killable man-eating weeds, turning our soil toxic, and poisoning our children turning them into mutants.

My question is: Do you know why you hate "GMO's"? Do you even know what they are? Really? If you use your noggin for a minute and try to see through the mob-mentality hysterics...I'm sure you'll be surprised.

Let me clear something up right now: I'm not Pro-GMO. I'm not Anti-GMO. I'm Anti-Ignorance.

Get Educated. Let me teach you a few things...
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