Clean Bill of Health

"My advice to you?  Don't change a friggin' thing!"

This is what my Doctor said to me this morning after reviewing my standard medical physical tests.

I had not seen him in 3 years (see previous post), so had all the blood work, stool, urine, ECG, PSA tests required.  All clear!

Lungs, heart, and other organs all functioning perfectly.  Blood pressure and cholesterol levels are excellent. Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: N/A.

In celebration, I had my typical breakfast of "high fat and cholesterol" .... bacon, eggs, avocado and almond butter (on a slice of ancient grain toast), and chuckled thinking of his advice while sipping on my cup of black coffee.

It feels great to be approaching 57 years of age and know that the lifestyle changes I made at the age of 45 have continued to pay off!  It feels great to be healthy.

It is also gratifying knowing that some of those changes were contrary to mainstream medical, training, and nutritional advice.
